
Porcelain Dental Veneers in Downtown Edmonton

Dental Veneers Downtown Edmonton

At Magathan Dental Centre, we are happy to provide our patients with cosmetic dentistry treatments that allow you to achieve your goal smile. We use porcelain dental veneers to repair stained, chipped, or crooked teeth all while keeping your smile as natural-looking and bright as possible. Veneers are made of ceramic porcelain and placed on the surface of your teeth to make them straight, bright and ready for a smile!

Why Should I Choose Porcelain Veneers?
  • Just like your natural tooth enamel, porcelain veneers are translucent and allow your teeth a bright pigment.
  • Veneers are a cosmetic procedure that allows you to repair cracked or chipped teeth that could result in unwanted imperfections.
  • Dental veneers allow our patients to customize and improve their teeth to achieve their unique goal smile.
The Porcelain Veneers Procedure

The veneers dental procedure consists of 3 visits to our Dental Centre in Edmonton. Your first step towards a perfect smile is consulting with one of our dentists at your first appointment to discuss how veneers can help you achieve your treatment goals.

At your second appointment, your teeth are prepared for the placement of veneers. One of our dentists will remove a thin layer of enamel from the surface of your teeth which will later be replaced with the similarly thin porcelain veneers. A mold of your teeth is then taken so we can custom make your porcelain veneers and assure they complement your unique oral structure.

During your third and final appointment, the veneers are placed on your teeth and matched to fit the natural look of your surrounding teeth. There you have it, a brand new smile!

If you have any questions about cosmetic dentistry in Downtown Edmonton, call Magathan Dental Centre or visit our office to speak with your Edmonton dentist about your smile.

Use our online appointment request form to find the best time for you. We're always excited to meet new smiles and to catch up with familiar ones too.


Have a question? Looking for a follow up? Call us, email us, or fill our our online contact form. Magathan Dental is here to answer your questions.


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